You want to grow and we can help. If you’re a retailer with an omnichannel presence looking to expand your presence, get more customers, become more efficient, and drive more revenue, then Wolfpack is the right partner for you.

Even though we’ve only been around for five years, we’ve already made a big impact on retailers, and have helped some pretty big brands – go take a look. We help retailers grow – and here are just some of the ways that we make that happen.

Modeled On

Our typical customers have had stores and web shops for more than a few years and have created sales channels that are now just needing optimization. Others have online platforms which need upgrading to more modern tech so that they can perform faster and deliver greater functionality to users. Upgrades and optimization are something almost any retailer can benefit from, and that’s one of the reasons we slip into being able to help so seamlessly.

In the past few years, there have been big changes in the models that work and those that don’t. D2C is becoming harder and harder unless you already have a brand that is well-positioned in the market and built on strong margins. Similarly, multi-brand stores are struggling, particularly in physical stores, because consumers can simply get what they want online quicker and cheaper.

What’s interesting about this shift is that some wholesalers have started to position part of what they do as retailers. They use popular marketplaces like Amazon to widen their reach but still operate like a wholesaler. That approach is one to watch in the next few years.

Finally, and you’ve probably already seen this in your local high street – mom-and-pop stores are slipping away as they don’t have the scale to expand online effectively. While this classic retail outlet is likely to be a thing of the past in many places in the next decade, we’ve found ways to keep them from going under in a different setting.

Who Have We Helped?

Some of our most exciting recent work has been in the form of enabling brands to sell on niche marketplaces. We’ve helped for example some sports brands to grow a new channel which fits well with their own brand positioning.

We also see a trend for wholesalers and retailers to become a (niche) market place themselves. Brands can then stock their own merchandise but let companies that produce other merchandise under the same brand umbrella list in the space too. Sure, some of those secondary manufacturers lose a little customer connection, but it opens up big markets for them and provides the main marketplace with more products to attract a wider audience. That’s a win-win-win.

Whatever model you want to build, the better your IT architecture is, and the quicker and more efficient you can make the platforms you build on, the more successful you’ll be. That’s precisely what Wolfpack helps with.

Looking to grow your retail success? Wolfpack is perfectly placed to help you achieve that – contact us today.

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